Nuclear non-proliferation: We must keep working for a world without nuclear weapons (yes, it’s possible)

by James Goodby and Steven Pifer April 24, 2015 At the Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference later this month at the United Nations, the five nuclear weapon states recognized by the […]
Nuclear Talks: Will it Play in Persepolis?

Originally published by Foreign Policy, November 21, 2014 by Nancy Gallagher For the first time in more than a decade, the United States and Iran are both pushing hard to resolve […]
Cooperation in Action: GSI eNewsletter, Spring, 2014

Events, reports, and analysis Spring, 2014 A Message from the President The Global Security Institute is an organization with physical and fiscal resources not commensurate with its mission to advance […]
Global Security Institute Congratulates Four Outstanding Leaders

The Global Security Institute (GSI) offers its heartfelt congratulations to two former and founding members of the Bipartisan Security Group and two outstanding members of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and […]
PNND Annual Assembly 2014

The network of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND) held a resoundingly successful Annual Assembly in Washington, DC, February 25-28, 2014. US Senator Ed Markey functioned as honorary Chair of the […]
PNND Assembly 2014: Climbing the Mountain, Feb 25-27, Washington, D.C.

Climbing The Mountain: Legislators collaborating on bilateral, plurilateral and global measures towards a secure nuclear-weapons-free-world Parliamentary Conference and PNND Annual Assembly February 25-27, 2014 — Washington, DC Hosted by […]
GSI eNews: Recent and Upcoming Activities

February 3, 2014 The Global Security Institute (GSI) works to strengthen international cooperation based on the rule of law, with a particular focus on achieving the security of a world […]
Thinking Creatively: In and Out of the NPT Box

On December 11, 2013, the Global Security Institute (GSI), in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), hosted an informal roundtable discussion with presentations by Ambassador Libran Cabactulan of the […]
Ronald Reagan, Republicans, and Nuclear Weapons

Listening to today’s candidates –at any level — one would not know that, historically, Republicans have been instrumental in advancing arms control, nonproliferation, and nuclear disarmament. That is, until the […]
GSI eNewsletter: December 16, 2009

A Message from the President MPI Activities – MPI and Swiss UN Permament Mission Host 74 Representatives from Government and Civil Society – MPI Chairman Gives Keynote Address at International […]