The Possibilities of Peace, Within and Without

MiND TV interviews Jonathan Granoff, president of the Global Security Institute, on the possibilities of peace within individuals as well as within governments and between cultures. MiND TV owns […]
A Message from GSI Board Member Christie Brinkley

GSI President Jonathan Granoff, GSI Board Member Christie Brinkley and Nobel Peace Summit Award Recipient George Clooney This past December, the Nobel Peace Laureates gathered together in a […]
BSG Lauds MPI Statement on Iran

Dear friends, We would like to draw your attention to the recent declaration of the Middle Powers Initiative on the US/Iran confrontation. Such a clear, powerful statement advocating […]
A Well-Deserved Nobel Prize

The Edmonton Journal by Douglas Roche “But he hasn’t done anything yet!” That sentence was on the lips of skeptics the minute they heard that President Barack Obama […]
Prophet Obama’s Fight for Peace

Embassy by Douglas Roche May 6, 2009 In the first 100 days of his presidency, Barack Obama has started to move the United States towards a culture of peace, a […]
Triumph of Peace

August 27, 2008 South China Morning Post Op-ed by David Krieger The world has again witnessed 16 days of extraordinary beauty and talent by young athletes gathered from throughout the […]
Juggling and the Kashmir-Jammu Conflict

April 2008 By Alyn Ware SGI Quarterly I am visiting a school in rural New Zealand and am with a group of 15 students outside on the playing field. I […]
The Iraq Dilemma: The Iraq Dilemma

January 10, 2003 By Jonathan Granoff San Diego Union Tribune War does not exist without the shedding of innocent blood. Under the best-case scenario, Iraq’s children – present victims of […]
Peace — The Only Way to Peace
Peace – The Only Way to Peace presentation by Jonathan Granoff prepared for the Sidi Shiker World Meeting of Tassawuf Affiliate Organized by the Ministry of Religious Endowments and Islamic […]
Books: The Sovereignty Revolution

“Senator Alan Cranston was a passionate public servant, a true citizen of the world and an inspirational force for peace. The Sovereignty Revolution, finished shortly before his death, gives voice […]