What Oslo Conferences Mean for Nuke Abolition

Alyn Ware writes for InDepth News– February 21, 2013 A meteor blasting into the atmosphere over Siberia (on February 15), injuring about 1000 people with debris, provided a graphic warning […]
Ronald Reagan, Republicans, and Nuclear Weapons

Listening to today’s candidates –at any level — one would not know that, historically, Republicans have been instrumental in advancing arms control, nonproliferation, and nuclear disarmament. That is, until the […]
New Multimedia and Analysis

Deepak Chopra and Jonathan Granoff on Sirius Radio Dr. Deepak Chopra, one of the world’s most influential advocates of well being and peace, is featuring GSI President Jonathan Granoff on […]
GSI E-Alert: Extraordinary Week at the United Nations

Dear friends, This has been an historic week at the United Nations. The US President chairing a summit of the Security Council and its adoption of a far reaching resolution […]
GSI eAlert: Articles of Interest

Recently, several members of GSI’s leadership have been in the media: Middle Powers Initiative Chairman Emeritus Douglas Roche, O.C., published an op/ed in Embassy magazine calling on Canada and other […]
GSI eNewsletter: May 30, 2008

Contents: 1. GSI Office Move 2. DPE Activities – India Celebrates 20 years of the Rajiv Gandhi Plan– Overcoming Nuclear Dangers Conference, Harvard University– GSI Board Member Christie Brinkley Receives […]
Four Statesmen Publish Second Op/ed Calling for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World

January 21, 2008 Ambassador Thomas Graham, Jr. On January 15, former Secretaries of State George Schultz and Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of Defense William Perry and former Senator Sam […]
GSI eNewsletter: June 7, 2007
The Global Security Institute endeavors to consistently provide relevant, insightful communications to advance the rule of law, the moral imperative to ensure a sustainable future and the elimination of nuclear […]
GSI eNewsletter: January 17, 2007

Dear Friends and Colleagues, It is a pleasure to share “A World Free of Nuclear Weapons”, an op-ed by George Shultz, William Perry, Henry Kissinger and Sam Nunn which was […]
The Meaning of Iran’s Nuclear Weapon Program

by Rhianna Tyson KregerHuffington PostMay 18, 2012 Iran’s presumed quest for nuclear weapons isn’t just about nuclear weapons. It is also about prestige, and it is also about respect, both […]