START-ing a new security


Huffington Post
by Rhianna Tyson Kreger
December 23, 2010


If you witnessed a lot of hubbub in Dupont Circle pubs last night, it’s a good chance it was the celebrations of my passionate arms control friends and colleagues, relishing the victory that was yesterday’s Senate ratification of the START Treaty with Russia.

Indeed, the new agreement which limits both countries’ arsenals to no more than 1,550 deployed warheads is an important step in President Obama’s “Prague Agenda,” a roadmap towards his vision of a nuclear weapon-free world (a vision he shared, by the way, with President Reagan and countless former cabinet members like Henry Kissinger, Robert McNamara, William Perry, Colin Powell… you get the idea). Ironically, however, in the focused frenzy to secure this step, we may have dug potholes along the Road to Prague.



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