PNND Annual Assembly 2014

The network of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND) held a resoundingly successful Annual Assembly in Washington, DC, February 25-28, 2014. US Senator Ed Markey functioned as honorary Chair of the […]

International Security on the Road to Nuclear Security

by Dr. Nancy Gallagher The Nonproliferation Review June 2011 The disappointingly slow pace of progress on efforts to prevent proliferation, reduce nuclear weapons, and eliminate nuclear risks has many causes. […]

Will Canada go the non-proliferation distance?

Embassy by Douglas Roche, O.C. April 14, 2010   US President Barack Obama dramatized world attention on nuclear dangers during his extraordinary 47-nation Washington summit this week by warning that […]

The Obama Nuclear Security Summit

April 11, 2010 On TV New Zealand, Alyn Ware explains how President Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit this week in Washington is part of a series of initiatives to prevent nuclear […]