The Iraq Inspections Worked, Lies Have Consequences

 October 28, 2004 by Jonathan Granoff Common Dreams The inspection disarmament efforts through the UN system worked in Iraq. The invasion was not necessary. Billions of dollars have been squandered, […]

Citizens of the World, Unite

 June 30, 2004 By Kim Cranston San Francisco Chronicle As we witness the transfer of sovereignty in Iraq, I wonder what my father, the late Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Calif., would […]

Permission Slips

 April 21, 2004 By Jonathan Granoff, Michael Doyle and Robert Grey Jr. Common Dreams People make mistakes. We should not be too surprised or dismayed at the failure of intelligence […]

The Iraq Dilemma: The Iraq Dilemma

 January 10, 2003 By Jonathan Granoff San Diego Union Tribune War does not exist without the shedding of innocent blood. Under the best-case scenario, Iraq’s children – present victims of […]