Photo Gallery: Article VI Forum, Dublin

March 28-30, 2008


Dr. Rebecca Johnson chaired Panel I.
Baronness Shirley Williams is seated to her left.


Ambassador Bernhard Brasack and Ambassador Nobuyasu Abe– former Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs– await Dr. Steven Miller’s presentation on “Reconfiguring the Nuclear Balance: Reductions, De-Alerting, and the Future of the US-Russia Nuclear Relationship”

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Ambassador Yulchenko of Ukraine, Chairman of the 2008 NPT PrepCom, confers with GSI President Jonathan Granoff


At the luncheon, Senator Roche introduces the keynote speaker


H.E. Mr. Sergio Duarte, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, delivered the keynote lunchtime presentation

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Dr. Ron McCoy is the former President of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, a Nobel Peace Laureate Organization. He is also a member of the International Steering Committee of MPI.

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