January is a time to reflect on the past year and present a vision for progress for the coming period. This is the report of a small civil society organization’s contributions to help end the unacceptable risks presented by the deployment of nuclear weapons in the pursuit of national security. Hopefully it will inspire everyone, especially those with greater power and capacity, to stronger, more effective actions.

From October 15-16, legislators from around the world gathered in Bern, Switzerland for the Annual PNND Assembly 2011, “Building the framework for a nuclear weapons-free world: the role of parliamentarians.”

Parliamentarians from around the world appealed to the leaders of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States to use the forthcoming Summit on Nuclear Security in Paris to reduce their reliance on nuclear weapons and make concrete steps toward fulfilling the vision of a nuclear weapons free world.
Congressman Ed Markey, PNND Co-President
In a joint letter to the leaders of the five nuclear weapon States (NWS), the seven Co-Presidents of PNND today commended the heads of government for convening such a meeting and noted that ‘there is a global expectation that the consultations you are commencing will result in significant advances in reducing the dangers posed by nuclear weapons and in making progress towards the achievement of nuclear disarmament.’

HH Dalai Lama
World experts in nuclear disarmament called for a rapid start to discussions for a Nuclear Weapons Convention at the conference, From Aspiration to Reality: Nuclear Disarmament after the NPT Review, co-sponsored by the Middle Powers Initiative and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, in Geneva September 14-15.
(L-R): Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute; H.E. Libran Cabactulan, Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the United Nations; former UN Under-Secretary General Jayantha Dhanapala; UN High Representative for Disarmament Sergio Duarte; and Senator Douglas Roche, MPI Interim Chairman
» Read the announcement
» Read the Executive Summary
» View the photo gallery
Dr. Jeffrey Sachs and Dr. Jane Goodall at the GSI-UN DESA event May 10
The 2010 summer edition of GSI’s eNewsletter features reports, photos, videos, briefs, summaries and links on a multitude of activities undertaken at the United Nations, in Washington, universities and key capitals the world over.
On Iran’s Press-TV, GSI President Jonathan Granoff counters distortions of Obama’s nuclear policy, calls on Iran to ratify the CTBT, makes the case for a non-discriminatory, global prohibition on nuclear weapons and more.
» Watch a clip of the interview
The latest PNND Update includes action items for parliamentarians, national parliament event announcements, invitations to international gatherings of parliamentarians and the latest parliamentary actions to support a Nuclear Weapons Convention. Members of Parliament!
PNND Member Hideo Hiraoka
PNND member Hideo Hiraoka and 203 other Japanese legislators sent a letter to US President Obama supporting his stated policy objectives of moving towards a world without nuclear weapons—undercutting a key argument against President Obama’s nuclear disarmament vision.
PNND’s newest Update includes action items for parliamentarians on issues including US-Russian negotiations, de-nuclearization in Northeast Asia and the Secretary-General’s Five Point Plan.
Read PNND Update 26 …
On October 11-12 2009, PNND held its Annual Assembly in New York. This included a conference on The Role of Parliamentarians in Advancing Nuclear Abolition, and the Annual PNND Council meeting.
GSI President Jonathan Granoff delivers his presentation to the PNND Assembly. Also pictured: US Congressman Dennis Kucinich (left) and Mani Shankar Aiyar (right) , former MP and adviser to Prime Minister R.Gandhi
It also included a special PNND Council Dinner with guest of honour the Rt Hon Helen Clark (Head of the United Nations Development Program and former Prime Minister of New Zealand) and a meeting with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
Alyn Ware, Global Coordinator for the Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, will receive the 2009 Right Livelihood Award in recognition of “his effective and creative advocacy and initiatives over two decades to further peace education and to rid the world of nuclear weapons”.
October 12, 2009: Alyn Ware presents the Parliamentarians Declaration Supporting a Nuclear Weapons Convention to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon |
» Read the CommonDreams piece on “Barack and Alyn”
US Ambassador Susan Burk
The Global Security Institute is organizing several substantive programs hosted by the Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament and Middle Powers Initiative.
The Global Security Institute supports the call of the DPI/NGO Conference in Mexico City for the General Assembly to establish October 27 as an annual International Nuclear Weapons-Free World Day.
Read GSI’s open letter to Member States
Read the Mexico City declaration
This summer, GSI President Jonathan Granoff and MPI Chairman Emeritus received distinguished awards from Rutgers University Law School and the Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians, respectively.
Next month, Alyn Ware, PNND Global Coordinator, will also receive a Distinguished Alumni Award from his alma mater in New Zealand.
» Read letters of congratulations to Mr. Granoff from world dignitaries
» Read more about Senator Roche’s award ceremony
» Read the press release from Waikato University
Click here for a full report
Max Kampelman, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Jonathan Granoff
GSI’s June eNewsletter reports on activities in Washington, at the United Nations, universities, parliaments and elsewhere, plus links to reports, op/eds, photo galleries, transcripts and video streams.
UN Messenger of Peace Michael Douglas
GSI Board Member Christie Brinkley, UN Messenger of Peace Michael Douglas, High Representative Sergio Duarte and the leadership of the Global Security Institute held a week of events at the United Nations to advance a nuclear weapons-free world.
GSI President Jonathan Granoff speaking at the MDG Awards Ceremony in the General Assembly hall
On March 17, Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa and Dr. Kevin Cahill, a world reknown physician and humanitarian, received lifetime achievement awards at the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Awards Ceremony at the General Assembly Hall of the United Nations. GSI President Jonathan Granoff co hosted and was privileged to give a presentation on the MDGs.
MPI Chairman Henrik Salander and German Deputy Foreign Minister Gernot Erler
Transcripts of speeches, presentations, photographs and a summary report of the Sixth Article VI Forum, held in Berlin, January 29-30, 2009, is now available online.
A full report of the conference will be available in the coming weeks.
Secretary-General Ban’s proposal for disarmament, the Obama administration and the Inter-Parliamentary Union provide new opportunities for parliamentary action.
The Middle Powers Initiative released the briefing paper for the sixth meeting of the Article VI Forum, to be held in Berlin, Germany January 29-30, 2009. “A Global Public Good of the Highest Order” discusses new imperatives and openings for a nuclear weapon-free world.
» Read the brief
Read the latest announcement from the Global Security Institute, highlighting the significant proposals for disarmament made by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, including his proposal for a World Summit to negotiate a nuclear weapons convention.
The morning plenary of the October 24 conference at the United Nations (L-R:) Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency; Ambassador Sergey I. Kislyak of Russia; Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations; and Dr. Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State.
Photo credit: UN Photo # 202849
Read about GSI’s strategy session on a nuclear weapons convention, efforts to promote a CTBT and more.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UN Messenger of Peace Michael Douglas, former Secretary of Defense William Perry and the foreign ministers of Austria, the Netherlands, Australia and others gather at the United Nations to support the entry-into-force of the Comprehensive nuclear Test-Ban Treaty.
(L-R): Mr. Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary of Defense William Perry and Executive Secretary of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Mr. Tibor Toth.
Read the report by the CTBT Organization…
Dr. Nancy Gallagher of the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland University is the newest expert member of the Bipartisan Security Group.
Mayors of Aviano, Castenedolo and Ghedi signing petition for nuclear free Italy
The newest update for the international network of parliamentarians is now online, with news and links to legislative actions to promote nuclear disarmament in parliaments and municipalities around the world.
GSI and MPI sent an open letter to the Foreign Ministers of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, urging these countries to use the opportunity of the US/India deal to take a principled position to strengthen our global security regime.
The latest publication from the global network of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament is now available online in English, Spanish and German.
To receive hard copies of the report, contact us.
On Tuesday, July 1, 2008 a cross-party group of Members of the European Parliament launched a Parliamentary declaration in support of the Nuclear Weapons Convention.
L-R: Theo Kelchtermans, Belgian MP and Mayor of Peer; MEP Angelika Beer (Greens/EFA, Germany); MEP Annemie Neyts (ALDE, Belgium); MEP Ana Gomes (PSE, Portugal); MEP Girts Kristovskis (UEN, Latvia) MEP Frieda Brepoels (PPE-DE, Belgium)
GSI reports on its activities with students, foreign ministers, legislators, Nobel Peace Laureates, celebrities, the American Bar Association, the media and ambassadors the world over. And we have a new office in New York, too.

» Read the Spring eNewsletter
MPI releases summary report from the Dublin Article VI Forum
The Middle Powers Initiative today released a summary report of its recent consultation of the Article VI Forum, held in Dublin with the co-sponsorship of the Government of Ireland.
(L-R): Foreign Minister Ahern, MPI Chairman Roche, Baroness Williams, High Representative Duarte and NPT Chairman Yelchenko
The final report will be issued in June, 2008.
» Read the report
» View a photo gallery of the conference
GSI President Jonathan Granoff served as a representative of the Nobel Laureate Organization the International Peace Bureau to the 8th Summit of the Nobel Peace Laureate Summit in Rome, Italy.
Closing press conference of the Nobel Laureate Summit (L-R): Jonathan Granoff (Chair), Betty Williams, HH Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbachev, Mohammed Yunus, Mariead Corrigan-Maguire
At the closing press conference (above), Laureates presented the Charter for a World Without Violence and Three Questions to Fulfill Our Duty to the Next Generation.
» Read Mr. Granoff’s presentations, Axis of Responsibility and Freedom from the Scourge of War
» Read the IPB report of the Summit
» More information about the Summit
» More photos of the Summit
On October 26, the Global Security Institute delivered a speech on space security to the UN General Assembly First Committee on Disarmament and International Security. This was the second session ever dedicated to NGO participation and the first ever on issues relating to outer space.
Senator Roméo Dallaire
PNND Update No.18 is now online, with information on the upcoming PNND Global Council meeting (with Senator Roméo Dallaire), parliamentary actions on nuclear weapons and materials in the European, Australian, Israeli, New Zealand and Japanese parliaments, and more.
» Click here for PNND Update No. 18
» Also available en español and en français and in deutsch
» Click here for archived issues of the PNND Update
GSI, in collaboration with the Secure World Foundation and the Government of Sweden, hosted a panel on outer space security during the NPT PrepCom in Vienna, May 9, 2007.
» Click here to read the Event Report
» Click here for a photo gallery of the event
» Read transcript of remarks by Ambassador Robert Grey, Jr.
» Read transcript of remarks by Dr. Patricia Lewis
» Click here for the GSI Policy Brief on outer space
» Click here for the presentation by Dr. Detlev Wolter, made at a prior GSI/SWF consultation on space
» A transcript of Dr. Blix’s remarks will be forthcoming.
Report from the Article VI Forum, Vienna
The Middle Powers Initiative released the report from the fourth meeting of the Article VI Forum, held in Vienna, March 29-30, 2007.
» Read full report, “The Article VI Forum, Forging a New Consensus for the NPT” (1.86 MB)
» Executive Summary only
» Briefing Paper
» Click here for more resources, including texts of speeches, from the fourth A6F
On February 9, 2007, GSI hosted a consultation in its New York office, entitled “Advancing Cooperative Security in Space.” Over 25 nations participated in this first of a series of such consultations, which facilitate discussion amongst interested governments and experts on advancing a cooperative regime in outer space and preventing a celestial arms race.
» Read Event Report
» PDF Version
Representatives at the Seventh World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Rome, Italy issued a clear, strong statement on nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation. GSI President Jonathan Granoff and MPI Chairman Douglas Roche, O.C., represented the International Peace Bureau and the Pugwash Conferences, respectively.
» The Rome Declaration
» Presentations delivered by Jonathan Granoff, Douglas Roche and Jayantha Dhanapala
» Secretariat of Nobel Laureate World Summit
Recently GSI and its programs have been in the media, including appearances on the BBC, NPR, the Tavis Smiley show and others.
» Listen to recent interviews
» Read Op/Ed by MPI Chairman
GSI President Jonathan Granoff and PNND International Coordinator Alyn Ware represented the International Peace Bureau (IPB) at a landmark Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Gwangju, South Korea from June 15-17.
» IPB Event Report
» Gwangju Declaration
» Mr. Granoff’s Speech
» Report of Nobel Summits 2002-06
2005 was a remarkable year for the Global Security Institute. Below are two substantive reports about the achievements of GSI’s programs and experts.

(Jonathan Granoff meeting His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI)
» Read January 2006 Report
» Read Previous GSI Newsletters
The Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND) recently released a comprehensive programmatic report for 2005.
» Read 2005 PNND Report