Armitage Award

A Message from BSG Director
Ambassador Robert Grey, Jr.

Dear friends and supporters,

It is my tremendous honor to invite you to a special event at the Rutgers University School of Law-Camden, where my friend and colleague, GSI President Jonathan Granoff, will receive the Arthur E. Armitage Distinguished Alumni Award on Thursday, June 11, 2009.


Robert Grey, Jr.,


Jonathan is being recognized by his alma mater for his outstanding work to strengthen global security through the rule of law. (For instance, see videos of his recent work at the United Nations, with the Nobel Peace Laureates and at the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty conference in New York). He will be introduced by myself and his Co-Chair of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Nuclear Non-proliferation of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association, Ambassador Thomas Graham.

Please join us at Rutgers University Law School to celebrate Jonathan’s lifetime of work to promote a safer, saner, more stable world for our children.  


Ambassador Robert Grey, Jr.
Director, Bipartisan Security Group

Rutgers University School of Law-Camden
Alumni Association  

Will Present The 

Arthur E. Armitage, Sr.
Distinguished Alumni Award


Jonathan G. Granoff, Esquire

Class of 1979

Thursday, June 11, 2009  

Presentation Ceremony and
Complimentary Reception

6 to 9 p.m.  

Rutgers University School of Law-Camden

Law Bridge
217 North 5th Street , Camden, NJ 08102



photo by Michael Collopy


Jonathan Granoff is an attorney, author and international advocate emphasizing the legal, ethical and spiritual dimensions of human development and security, with a specific focus on advancing the rule of law to address the threats posed by nuclear weapons. He is president of the Global Security Institute, Senior Advisor to the ABA’s Committee on Arms Control and National Security and Co Chair of the ABA Blue Ribbon Task Force on Nuclear Nonproliferation. He is Senior Advisor to the Nobel Peace Laureate Summit and has served as Vice President and UN Representative of the Lawyer’s Alliance for World Security. He serves on numerous governing and advisory boards including: the ABA International Law Section, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, Fortune Forum, Jane Goodall Institute, Bipartisan Security Group and Middle Powers Initiative.

Mr. Granoff is the award-winning screenwriter of The Constitution: The Document that Created a Nation, and has articles in more than 50 publications and books including: The Sovereignty Revolution, Toward a Nuclear Weapons Free World, Imagining Tomorrow, Analyzing Moral Issues, Perspectives on 911, Toward a World In Balance, Reverence for Life Revisited, and Hold Hope, Wage Peace.  He has been a featured guest and expert commentator on numerous radio and television programs, testified in Congress and at the UN numerous times and has, for the past six years, addressed Nobel Peace Laureate Summits in Paris and Rome.

Donors who wish to make a contribution to the Law Alumni Scholarship Fund in honor of Mr. Granoff will be recognized in the program booklet as:

Diamond Sponsor – $2500, Platinum Sponsor – $1500,

Gold Sponsor – $500, Silver Sponsor – $250,

Bronze Sponsor – $100

Checks should be made payable to “Rutgers University Foundation” with “CLAW Scholarship-Granoff” written on the memo line.

Deadline to have your name listed in the program booklet is Friday, June 5th. Please register online at:

Please indicate exactly how you wish your name or firm to be listed in the program book.

Parking for this event will be in the Camden County College Parking Garage, at the corner of Sixth and Penn Streets

Biographies of Speakers


Ambassador (ret.) Robert T. Grey, Jr. is Director of the Bipartisan Security Group in Washington, DC.  He was the former US Representative to the Conference on Disarmament from 1998-2001.  Ambassador Grey was a Senior Fellow on the Council on Foreign Relations and Counselor for Political Affairs of the US Mission to the United Nations in New York from 1986-1995.  He was the Political Advisor to the Supreme Allied Commander at NATO from 1983-1986.  He also served as Acting Deputy Director for the Arms Control Agency from 1981-1983.  Before holding these posts, Ambassador Grey was the Political-Military Affair’s Bureau Deputy Office Director in the Office of Military Sales and Assistance, Director of the State Departments Office of Advanced Technology, and Executive Assistant to the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs.  He joined the Foreign Service in 1960 and briefly left the Service to serve as Administrative Assistant to Senator Alan Cranston (D-CA), founder of the Global Security Institute. He continues to serve as a consultant to the State Department and the CIA. He received a BA from Dartmouth College in 1957 and a JD from the University of Michigan in 1960.


Ambassador Thomas Graham, Jr. is Chairman of the Bipartisan Security Group. Internationally known as one of the leading authorities in the field of international arms control and non-proliferation agreements designed to limit and to combat the proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, Ambassador Graham has served as a senior US diplomat involved in the negotiation of every major international arms control and non-proliferation agreement during the period 1970-1997. This includes The Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT Treaties), The Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START Treaties), The Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Extension (NPT), Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty, and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).

In 1993, Ambassador Graham served as the Acting Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA) and for seven months and in 1994 served as the Acting Deputy Director. From 1994 through 1997, he served as the Special Representative of the President for Arms Control, Non-Proliferation, and Disarmament, appointed by President Clinton and in this capacity led U.S. government efforts to achieve the permanent extension of the NPT in 1994 and 1995. He also served for 15 years as the general counsel of ACDA.

He additionally served as the Legal Advisor to the U.S. SALT II, START I, and START II Delegations, the senior arms control agency representative to the U.S. INF Delegation and the U.S. Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Delegation, and many others.

Ambassador Graham worked on the negotiation of The Chemical Weapon Convention and The Biological Weapons Convention. He drafted the implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention and managed the Senate approval of the ratification of the Geneva Protocol banning the use in war of chemical and biological weapons.

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