MPI Calls for a Global Ban on Nuclear Weapons

New Brief and World Tour

  global law

New York, May 26.  “It is urgent to begin collective preparatory work leading to the enactment of a universal, verifiable, irreversible and enforceable legal ban on nuclear weapons,” declared the Middle Powers Initiative (MPI), a coalition of eight international disarmament organizations.

This is the message of the forthcoming new brief from MPI, “A Global Law to Ban Nuclear Weapons.”

Richard Butler AC

In New York, MPI Chairman Ambassador Richard Butler AC will be presenting the brief to governments at the United Nations, as part of MPI’s ongoing consultative project to ensure implementation of agreements made under the Non-Proliferation Treaty and advance the United Nations Secretary-General’s Five Point Proposal for Nuclear Disarmament, which calls inter alia for the development of a mutually reinforcing framework of agreements or a nuclear weapons convention.

Ambassador Butler said, “The overwhelming desire of governments and people for the abolition of nuclear weapons requires practical action towards the elimination of these weapons of indiscriminate and mass destruction.  Their continued existence threatens all and poses unacceptable risks.”

Today, MPI Founder Douglas Roche, O.C., embarked on a world tour to present pre-publication issues of the brief to foreign ministries in Beijing, New Delhi, Moscow, Oslo, Sweden, Brussels, Berlin and London. Senator Roche, who was instrumental in the Canadian Senate and House of Commons adopting unanimous resolutions supporting such negotiations, said “Landmines and cluster munitions were banned by treaty once people realized the humanitarian consequences of their continued use. There is now a similar realization of the threat to humanity, not just if nuclear weapons are used but by the threat of use, their possession and their proliferation.”

Hon Doulgas Roche, O.C.

Senator Roche’s world tour will include a series of the Singhmar Family Foundation Lectures, which will highlight the themes of his new book, How We Stopped Loving the Bomb, an illustration of how a global treaty banning all nuclear weapons would improve the security of everyone – including the nuclear weapon states.

Alyn Ware, Global Coordinator of the network of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), will be joining Senator Roche for the European leg of the tour.

In addition to meeting with foreign ministry officials in these world capitals, Senator Roche will also be presenting at a number of public events organized by civil society organizations, including events in Beijing (at the China Foreign Affairs University,) New Delhi (at the Centre for Policy Research), Moscow (at the USA/Canada Institute), Stockholm (organized by the International Peace Bureau), Oslo and Berlin. To find out more about events in your city, contact Rhianna Kreger: +1 (347) 461-7901.

“The political will of the nuclear powers must be raised to help them see how their own security would be improved by a global treaty banning all nuclear weapons,” Senator Roche said.  “This is a moment for enlightened leaders to start convening meetings to draw together those who want to build a global law banning all nuclear weapons.”

Ambassador Richard Butler AC +1 646 468-6299;
Senator Douglas Roche; +1 780 984-8292;
Alyn Ware; +1 646 752-8702;

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For more information see

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