January 21, 2010, Atlanta GA: Presentation addressing “President Obama’s Vision,”delivered to the Atlanta Consultation III: Fulfilling the NPT, MPI conference at the Carter Center.
January 6, 2010, New York, NY: “Nuclear Disarmament, the Road Ahead,” delivered at the EastWest Institute roundtable on Prioritizing the Disarmament Agenda.
September 9 , 2009, Washington DC: “The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, In Perspective ,” address delivered to The National Academy of Science.
June 24, 2009, Washington DC: “ Arms Control, Nuclear Nonproliferation, Russia and the United States, ” Testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Foreign Affairs.
May 14, 2009, Washington DC: “ The Future of the Euro-Atlantic Security Architecture, ” delivered at the Germany Embassy at an event hosted by Lightbridge Corporation.
April 22, 2009, Berlin, Germany: “ Toward a World without Nuclear Weapons, ” delivered to the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung forum on Security Policy.
March 14, 2009, Washington , DC : Speech delivered at the Revisiting Reykjavik: Nuclear Policy for the New Century symposium hosted by the Atomic Heritage Foundation.
February 27, 2009, Dallas , TX : “ Nuclear Weapons: Challenges for the new Administration, ” presented to the Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations.
February 5, 2009, Washington DC : “ Nuclear Weapon Dangers and the United States- Russia Relationship, ” delivered at the Nuclear and Space Policy: A Road-Map for Action conference organized by PNA, PSR, and UNA-GP.
January 28, 2009, Menlo Park , CA : “ Nuclear Weapon Dangers and Challenges for the 111th Congress, ” presented at a dinner hosted by the Fund for Peace Initiatives.
- January 26, 2009, Rockport ME: “ Zero Nuclear Weapons and the International Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime, ” presented at the Mid Coast Forum on Foreign Relations’ monthly luncheon.
- January 15, 2009, Washington DC : “ The Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty, a Strategic Bargain, ” delivered at the Peace and Security Legislative Strategy Retreat hosted by the Peace and Security Institute.
- March 28, 2007 , Washington DC: “ New Weapons Policy for the Twenty-First century,” delivered to the National Press Club.
- June 1, 2004 , Palo Alto, CA: “Challenges to the NPT Regime,” delivered at Stanford University.
- May 2000 : “Implications of the Duma’s Approval of START II,” remarks and press conference.
June 2, 2009 , “123 Agreement for Nuclear Energy in the UAE: An Unprecedented and Responsible Step,” published in The Huffington Post.
Summer 2009 , “Nuclear Testing and Proliferation – an Inextricable Connection,” published in Disarmament Diplomacy Issue No. 91.
March 29, 2002 , “Biological Weapons and International Law,” published in Science, Volume 295, No. 5564, pp. 2325.
Fall 1998 , “Nearing a Fork in the Road: Proliferation or Nuclear Reversal,” published in the Nonproliferation Review Volume 6, No. 1.