Writings and Interviews by GSI President Jonathan Granoff

- April 17, 2024, “The Existential Risks of Nuclear War and Deterrence Through a Legal Lens,” American Bar Association (ABA) International Law Section.
- April 5, 2024, “Building the Culture of Peace with Love & Conscience,” UN International Day of Conscience
- March 27, 2024, “Robert Oppenheimer and the Transformation of Science in World Affairs,” InDepth News
- March 23, 2024, “Human Security: Empowering Parliamentarians for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding.” Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
- February 8, 2024, “Putting an End to Conflicts: Prescriptions for a Peaceful Future,” Annual Parliamentary Hearing, a joint initiative between the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the President of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
- January 15, 2024, “How to Know and Act Today: Insights From Dr. Martin Luther King’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech,” SINE Network
- October 9, 2023, “A Letter to Diplomats Negotiating in the United Nations First Committee”
- October 2023, “Rethinking Our Approach to Global Challenges Such as Climate Change,” American Renewable Energy Institute (AREI)
- August 6, 2023, “Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons,” 2nd Annual Nuclear Prayer Day, NY
- July 12, 2023, “Why We Celebrate America,” Daily Kos
- June 1, 2023, “Addressing the Massive Global Impact of Corruption,” The Association of Foreign Press Correspondents
- April 9, 2023, “Global Threats and New Thinking With Jonathan Granoff,” America Speaks Podcast
- March 24, 2023: “30th Anniversary of Announcement of South Africa’s Decision to Dismantle Nuclear Weapons Program,” FW De Klerk Foundation
- March 23, 2023: Distinguished Alumni Award from the Alumnae/i Association of Vassar College (AAVC)
- March 22, 2023, “Living Water for All,” UN World Water Day
- March 9, 2023: “Legal Education for Human Security,” World Academy of Art and Science
- February, 2023: “The Many Dimensions of Human Security From the Deepest Personal to the Global,” Peter Coyote and Unity Earth
- February, 2023: “Plenary. The Many Dimensions of Human Security: From the Deepest Personal to the Global,” Deepak Chopra and Unity Earth
- January 24, 2023, “The Role of Faith in International Affairs: Securing People’s Wellbeing and Planetary Sustainability,” Ninth Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-based Organizations in International Affairs
- November 29, 2022: “Global Alliance of Leaders for Nuclear Security,” Dialogue of Continents, Paris
- September 20, 2022, “Human Security: Virtuous, Practical, Urgent and Necessary,” Horizons
- August 5 2022, “More Capacity to Destroy Will not Bring More Peace.” Presentation to the States Parties of the NPT, 10th NPT Review Conference
- July 19, 2022, “Nuclear Strategy and Ending the War in Ukraine.” The Hill
- June 20, 2022, “Human Security: A Strong Foundation for Multilateral Cooperation.” Cadmus Journal
- March 30, 2022, “Putin’s nuclear risk: The stability that characterized the Cold War stand-off may no longer exist.” The Hill
- March 16, 2022, An Urgent Call to Save Humanity: A Conversation with Jonathan Granoff and Deepak Chopra.
- March 2, 2022: “Consequences of the Russian Invasion,” Association Foreign Press Correspondents |AFPC-USA
- February 18, 2022, “Political Support and Inclusive Responses to Sustainable Recovery: Presentation at the IPU,” United Nations General Assembly.
- January 4, 2022, “President Biden should pledge to never use nuclear weapons first.” The Hill
- October 8, 2021, “Responsible Investing for a Sustainable Future”. Conference of the World Council of Religious Leaders on Faith and Diplomacy
- June 26, 2021, “World Unity Week: Inner Peace and Outer Peace”. International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation
- June 24, 2021, “Can Biden and Putin Ease Nuclear Dangers Like Reagan and Gorbachev?” Newsweek
- June 23, 2021, “Genuine Human Security: with Jonathan Granoff and Maria Espinosa”. UNIFY
- May 7, 2021, “Humanism, Human Security, and Human Survival: Roger Kimmel Smith interviews Jonathan Granoff”. When Humanists Attack
- May 5, 2021, “American Bar Association International Law Section: Annual Meeting with ABA President, Kim Campbell and Jonathan Granoff”. American Bar Association
- March 1, 2021, “Why Congress must invoke the 14th Amendment now”. The Hill
- February 26, 2021, “A Commemoration of the Life and Legacy of George P. Schultz”. Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons
- October 25, 2020, “Democracy, Global Security and the Vote”. American Renewable Energy Institute
- September 28, 2020, “The Bomb: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” [7:48] Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons
- November 6, 2020, “Approaching Human Security.” Cadmus Vol. 4, Issue 3.
- October 22, 2020, “Trump’s Authoritarian Slogan aren’t just shocking. They’re Actually Dangerous.” Newsweek
- August 28, 2020, “Leading the way to a world free of nuclear weapons.” Euractiv
- March 17, 2020, “National Security is too crude to protect from Pandemics. It’s time to shift to Human Security Instead.” With Barry Kellman. Newsweek.
- January 21, 2020, “Senator-jurors who may not be impartial? Remove them for cause.” The Hill
- January 2, 2020, “Senators, keep your oaths (‘so help you God).”The Hill.
- June 4, 2020, “There is Far More Urgent Reason to Impeach Trump: Climate Change.” Newsweek.
- April 21, 2020, “Global Leadership for Sustainable Planet.” World Academy of Arts and Science and GlobalMindED together with the Foundation for Climate Restoration and the Alliance Center
- May 21, 2019, “Why Congress must begin impeachment proceedings now.” with Michael L. Prigoff. The Hill.
- February 25, 2019, “Trump’s Nuclear Treaty Withdrawal Weakened the West and Unleashed Russia” with H.E. Ambassador Thomas Graham, Jr. Newsweek.
- July 31, 2018, “Heartland Security and a NEWER World Order- The International Rule of Law and the Eisenhower Moment” Interview. World Politiki Radio Show
- July 26, 2018, “Why Putin deserves a White House Meeting with Trump.” Newsweek.
- July 23, 2018, “Disarmament, Development, and Essential Human Rights Education and SDGs 4 and 16.” Delivered at a conference entitled Role of ODA for Sustaining Peace and SDGS. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the UN.
- July 23, 2018, “Key panelist at CEUCE’s Discussion on Violence and Atrocity” Other Panelists: Dr. Lewis Griffith, Director of the International Security Program at the University of Denver; and Dr. Ellen Laipson, Director of the Center for Security Policy Studies at the George Mason University. Inaugural Global Town Hall for Global Governance Innovation and Reform Boulder, Colorado
- July 23, 2018, “Next Steps Toward 2020” Inaugural Global Town Hall for Global Governance. Boulder, Colorado
- July 22, 2018, “Expert Dialogue/Town Hall: A Reformed UN or Empowered Multistakeholder Governance?” Other Panelist: Dr. Ellen Laipson, Director of the Center for Security Policy Studies at the George Mason University Inaugural Global Town Hall for Global Governance Innovation and Reform. Boulder, Colorado
- July 13, 2018, “Key Panelist on the Role of ODA for Sustaining Peace and SDGS.” Other panelists included: Ambassador Tae-yul Choi, Permanent Representative of ROK; Ms. Mi Kyung Lee, President of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA); Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University; Mr. Anselmo Lee, Senior Adviser to Asia Development Alliance (ADA) and Member of the Policy Committee of the KCOC; Dr. David Steven, Associate Director and Senior Fellow at the NYU Center on International Cooperation; Mr. Mandeep Tiwana, Chief Programmes Officer of CIVICUS; Ms. Paivi Kannisto of UN-Women: Mr. Chris Murgatroyd, Policy Advisor at UNDP; Mr. Mitchell Toomey, Global Director of the UN SDG Action Campaign, and Dr. Taekyoon Kim, Associate Professor of International Development, of Seoul National University. Mission of South Korea. NY, NY
- June 16, 2018, “Opinion on the Trump-Kim Summit.” Sputnik. June 16, 2018.
- June 8, 2018, “Personal, National, and International Security,” Hub Foundation. Denver, Colorado
- May 30, 2018, “Presentation at the Sustaining Peace and Conflict Prevention Through MultiTrack Education and Initiatives for the Culture of Peace and SDGs,” United Nations, NY, NY
- May 9, 2018, “US doesn’t have the right to violate the Iran Nuclear Deal.” The Hill.
- April 19, 2018, “Jonathan Granoff and Daniel Ellsberg at the ABA Section of International Law’s 2018 Spring Meeting,” New York, New York
- April 18, 2018, “Reflections on Personal, National, and International Security,” Rotary Club of New York
- April 9, 2018, Tish Lampert “The Madness of Nuclear War.” America Speaks Podcast
- Spring 2018, “Recognition of Jonathan Granoff,” Real Leaders
- March 20, 2018, “Keynote address on the occasion of the world-wide Rotary Day,” San Francisco Rotary Club
- March 20, 2018, “Full Report on Jonathan Granoff’s keynote address,” San Francisco Rotary Club
- February 6, 2018, The US and Russia move closer to nuclear war, Background Briefing with Ian Masters.
- February 2018, Kerby, T. Neill. “National Peacemaker to Visit Lexington.” Peace Ways.
- August 10, 2017, “Never Give Up Working for Peace,” Tikkun magazine
- November 27, 2017, Pope Francis: Historic Leadership for a Nuclear Weapons Free World
- November 5, 2017, “North Korea: A Logical Path to Peace,” in Tikkun magazine
- October 2017, Disarmo nucleare: un’utopia attuabile Jonathan Granoff e Ekaterina Zagladina, TV2000
- October 31, 2017, Talk Nation Radio: U.S. and North Korean relations
- October 17-19 2017, Jonathan Granoff addresses the Jubilee International Scientific-Practical Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan
- October 4, 2017, Jonathan Granoff on why North Korea is not the real nuclear threat, featured in the Octavian Report
- September 17, 2017, Jane Goodall and Jonathan Granoff discuss her life and humanity at the Franklin Institute
- August 8, 2017, “Never Forget Virtue, Never Forget Hiroshima, Never Give up Working for Peace.”
- August 4, 2017, “Jonathan Granoff on GCTV with Bill Miller”
- July 18, 2017, “Key Role for Church in the Nuclear Weapons Ban“
- July 5, 2017, “Press Event on the Ban Treaty at the UN Correspondents Association“
- June 22, 2017, “Never Forget the Good,”Working Paper to Session II of the UN Conference to Negotiate a Legally Binding Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons (Ban Treaty)
- March 31, 2017, “The Turtle, the Horse and Nuclear Weapons,” Working Paper to Session I of the UN Conference to Negotiate a Legally Binding Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons (Ban Treaty)
- February 2017, “The Weapon You Should Keep Your Eye On. For The Sake of Humanity.” Real Leaders.
- January 31, 2017, “President Trump: Like President Reagan, Make Us Safer.” Huffington Post.
- June 16, 2016, “Presentation at the UN Conference to Negotiate a Legally Binding Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons (Ban Treaty).”
- November 7, 2016, “Donald Trump is an Existential Threat to America and the World,” TIME.
- November 5, 2016, “The Election and Human Survival,” Huffington Post.
- June 8, 2016, Dwight Englewood Commencement Speech.
- May 24, 2016, “In Hiroshima President Obama Can Help Save History,” Huffington Post.
- April 18, 2016: “Pondering the distance between aspirations for a nuclear weapons-free world and the sobering reality,” Framework Forum Roundtable, Geneva
- February 24, 2016, “Jonathan Granoff: The Meaning of Life,” Excellence Reporter.
- December 8, 2015, “The Measure of Our Humanity: Nobel Peace Laureates Promote Solutions to Refugee Crisis, Terrorism, Climate Change and Nuclear Annihilation,” Huffington Post.
- August 3, 2015, “The Iran Deal: Steps Toward the Common Good,” Huffington Post.
- June 21, 2015, United Nations Headquarters, NY: Remarks delivered at first ever International Day of Yoga
- May 2015, Pacta Sunt Servanda: Nuclear Weapons and Global Secure Development,” published in the Southwestern Journal of International Law (Vol. 21, 2015) and the American Bar Association’s The International Lawyer (2015)
- April 29, 2015, “President Obama: A Chance to Lead,” Huffington Post.
- April 24, 2015, “Nuclear Weapons Free Zones: The Power of Success to Be Ignored No Longer,” remarks delivered at the Third Conference of States Parties and Signatories of Treaties that Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zones and Mongolia (CNWFZIII)
- April 9, 2015, “Becoming Fully Human: Advancing Nuclear Disarmament,” remarks delivered at the panel event “Nuclear Weapons and the Moral Compass,” co-hosted by the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See and the Global Security Institute
- January/February 2015, “Global Common Goals and Goods: Security and Realism,” International Law News, the journal of the American Bar Association’s International Law Section. Download the entire journal here.
- January 13, 2015, “Living Peace: A Gift for 2015 from the 14th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates,” Huffington Post
- December 23, 2014, “An Open Letter to the President: A Legacy the World Needs,” Huffington Post
- October 21, 2014, World Bank Headquarters, Washington, DC: “Making the Case: Rule of Law in the Emerging Development Agenda,” presentation delivered at the American Bar Association’s Law, Justice and Development Week
- September 26, 2014, “Nuclear Weapons are Unworthy of Civilization,” presentation delivered at the high-level meeting on the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, United Nations, New York.
- September 23, 2014, “Save Earth’s Holy Bible,” Huffington Post
- July 25, 2014, “From Chaos, A New Security Order,” co-authored with Rhianna Tyson Kreger, Huffington Post
- July 9, 2014, “Nuclear Weapons,” Encyclopedia of Bioethics
- May 8, 2014, “Goals of Global Security: Threats that Bind,” presentation delivered at “New Ideas and Initiatives,” hosted by Canadian Pugwash at the United Nations, New York City, during the Nuclear Nonprolfieration Treaty Preparatory Committee conference
- April 30, 2014, United Nations, NY: “A Moral Compass,” opening remarks delivered at the panel event “Nuclear Weapons and the Moral Compass,” co-organized by the Permanent Mission of the Philippines and the Global Security Institute, UN Trusteeship Council Chamber.
- March 12, 2014, “Security Reflections: A Holistic Approach without Nuclear Weapons,” Eruditio, the e-journal of the World Academy of Art and Science
- February 26, 2014, Washington, DC: “The Goals of Global Security,” 2014 Annual Assembly of the Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament.
- December 2, 2013, Cambridge, MA: “A United World or Divided World?” Reflections and Policies for Human Unity,” presented at the Harvard Divinity School event “Religions and Peace: Do Universities Have a Role?”
- October 31, 2013, “Musings on a New Paradigm,” Cadmus
- September 18, 2013, “High Opportunity for Nuclear Disarmament at High-Level Meeting,” InterPress Service
- September 14, 2013, Washington, DC: “Goals of Global Security,” discussion for the World Academy of Art and Science Roundtable.
- September 12, 2013, “Its Time to Make the Middle East WMD-Free,” World Policy blog
- September 3, 2013, Geneva, Switzerland: “Our Choice: Creativity or Destruction,” Green Cross 20th Anniversary 2020 Statement.
- August 30, 2013, “U.N. loses big if Syria attacks unilaterally.” Inter Press Service. This article features quotes from Jonathan Granoff.
- August 29, 2013, “Syria: Law and Legitimacy,” Huffington Post
- August 15, 2013, “Dialogue From The Steppes.” Directed by Armand Assante. Vision Studios. 2013
- August 15, 2013, Aspen, CO: “Responsible Investing for a Sustainable Future,” AREDAY Summit.
- April 2013, “Nuclear Deterrence and Changing the Framework of the Debate: Obtaining National Self Interests by Advancing Global Public Goods,” Moving Beyond Nuclear Deterrence to a Nuclear Weapons Free World, Nuclear Abolition Forum, No. 2.
- March 11, 2013, “Practical Proposals for a Real Change in North Korea,” Huffington Post
- December 12, 2012, United Nations, NY: “Reflections on the Golden Rule of Today,” presentation delivered at the Rotary Club Breakfast
- November 5, 2012, “Please Vote!“
- September 30, 2012, “Ronald Reagan, Republicans, and Nuclear Weapons,” Huffington Post
- July 2, 2012, “The Peace and Security of the Individual and the Planet: From Our Inner World to the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons”
- June 18, 2012, Heybeliada, Turkey: “Moral, Ethical, Practical, and Spiritual Global Responsibility in the Nuclear Age,” held at the Halki Summit on Global Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability.
- May 31, 2012, “NATO Looks Backward, Nobel Peace Laureates Look Forward to Youth,” Huffington Post
- May 7, 2012, Vienna: Introductory remarks at GSI’s Scientific/Technical Experts’ Briefing on Nuclear Weapons Practices and Policies, held at the First Preparatory Committee conference of the 2015 Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
- April 20, 2012, New York: “A Dialogue on Responsibility, Art, Celebrity, Nuclear Weapons, and Making Movies with UN Messenger of Peace Michael Douglas,” American Bar Association Presentation
- April 13, 2012, “Regarding Iran, America Must Look to the Constitution,” Huffington Post
- March 21, 2012, “Iran: All Options on the Table?” Huffington Post
- February, 2012, Mexico City: Ascend the Political Ladder Presentation on behalf of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament at the International Seminar: “The Experience of the NWFZ in Latin America and the Caribbean and the perspective towards 2015 and beyond”
- March 1, 2011, “Truth, Illumination, and Nuclear Weapons,” in Tikkun magazine.
- Winter, 2011, “Inner Courage and Love: The Path to Disarmament,” in Tikkun magazine.
- Winter, 2011, “Nuclear Weapons and Compliance with International Humanitarian Law and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,” co-authored with Charles J. Moxley, Jr. and John Burroughs, Fordham International Law Journal, No. 34.
- November/December 2011, “International humanitarian law and nuclear weapons: Irreconcilable differences,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Vol 67 (6) 53-62
- November 29, 2011, Wilmington, DE: A Discussion on Nuclear Disarmament with a Great American Ambassador: featuring US Ambassador Thomas Graham, Jr., Widener University School of Law.
- November 4, 2010, “Nobel Peace Laureates’ Summit: Inspiration From Hiroshima,” Huffington Post
- October 24, 2011, New York, NY: “Pacta Sunt Servanda,” presented at the UN Day event “Nuclear Disarmament: A Compass Point for Progress and Accountability,” sponsored by the EastWest Institute, the Global Security Institute and the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies. (video also available)
- October 11, 2011, Astana, Kazakhstan: “Words Into Action,” presented at the Forum for a Nuclear Weapons Free World, sponsored by the Kazakhstan Government.
- September 1, 2011, New York, NY: “Bring Words into Action,” presented at the workshop to commemorate International Day against Nuclear Testing, co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan and the EastWest Institute.
- July 4, 2011, “True Celebration, July 4, 2011,” Huffington Post.
- June 4, 2011, Boonton, NJ: “Move the Money: Turn Swords into Ploughshares,”
- May 13-15, 2011, Newark, NJ: “Peace in the World Panel,” with Alyn Ware, Shirin Ebadi, Jody Williams, Marianne Williamson at the Newark Peace Education Summit.
- April 13, 2011, New York, NY: “Moral Imperatives at this Energizing Moment and Nuclear Weapons,” keynote presentation delivered to the Committee of Religious NGOs at the UN.
- March 15, 2011, “Wisdom or Fatal Folly,” Huffington Post
- December 1, 2010, “Bridging the Reality Gap,”Huffington Post, co-authored with Rhianna Tyson Kreger.
- November 9, 2010, “Security and Peace,” Spiritual Wisdom of the Week, Tikkun Daily.
- October 18, 2010, Astana, Kazakhstan: “Images for Reality,” presented at the World Forum of Spiritual Culture hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- September 18, 2010, New York, NY: “Perspectives,” presented at the Millennium Development Goals Awards, Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
- September 8, 2010, New York, NY: “Nuclear Weapons: Security or Survival”, Columbia University School of Social Work.
- October 18, 2010, “The Human Capacity for Creativity and Destruction: How Will It All Play Out?” Huffington Post
- July 23, 2010, Chatauqua, NY: “The Nexus of the Moral and Practical,” closing lecture at the 2010 Chatauqua Institute’s week on Nuclear Disarmament.
- June 11, 2010, Washington, DC: “Nuclear Disarmament and Our Highest Spiritual Truths,” presented at the 2010 Network of Spiritual Progressives Conference.
- June 2010, “Nuclear Weapons and Steps Toward Responsible Reverence for Life,” published in Valone, David and David Ives (eds), Nuclear Proliferation and the Dilemma of Peace in the Twenty-First Century, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- May 11, 2010, United Nations, NY: Chairmanship of Bipartisan Security Group panel, “The United States NPR: Analysis and Opportunities for Progress,” featuring Ambassador James Goodby and Dr. Ivan Oelrich.
- May 10, 2010, United Nations, NY: Chairmanship of “Sustainable Security for the 21st Century,” panel event co-sponsored by the UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs and GSI. Speakers included: UN Messenger of Peace Jane Goodall, Assistant Secretary-General Thomas Stelzer and Economic Adviser Jeffrey Sachs of the Earth Institute.
- May 6, 2010, United Nations, NY: Respondent to the Secretary-General’s presentation, “Advancing Nuclear Disarmament: The Power of Parliaments,” co-sponsored by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the network of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation.
- May 5, 2010, New York, NY: “A Good Framework for a Good Future,” presented at “Principles, Values and Global Security,” seminar organized by Religions for Peace.
- April 19, 2010, Tehran, Iran: “Everyone,” presentation delivered at the International Conference on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, sponsored by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- April 15, 2010, New York, NY: Chairmanship of policy roundtable on the international biological weapons regime. Co-sponsored by GSI and the EastWest Institute.
- March 17, 2010, New York, NY: Chairmanship of briefing and strategy session on the NPT.
- January 20, 2010, Atlanta, GA: Opening remarks at the Atlanta Consultation III: Fulfilling the NPT.
- December 5, 2009, Hiroshima, Japan: “For Reminding Us, Thank You, Hiroshima,” presented at the symposium, “Hiroshima Strives for Nuclear Abolition: Pursuing measures to energize the 2010 NPT Review Conference,” organized by the Hiroshima Peace Institute and Chugoku Shimbun.
- December 2009, “The Process of Zero,” World Policy Journal, Winter 2009.
- November 19, 2009, Washington, DC: “Faith, Fear and the Future of Nuclear Weapons: An Interreligious Response to the Global Crisis,” Rayburn House Office Building, co-sponsored by the Muslim-American Soicety and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.
- November 11, 2009, Berlin, Germany: “A Moment to Seize,” presented at the 10th World Summit of Nobel Laureates.
- November 1, 2009, Napa Valley, CA: “At the Tipping Point: Nuclear Disarmament Challenges and Opportunities Facing Our Global Community”.
- October 12, 2009, New York, NY: “Advancing the UN Secretary-General’s Five Point Plan for Nuclear Disarmament,” presentation at the Annual Assembly of the Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament.
- October 2009, “The Foundation of Dignity,” Tikkun Magazine.
- September 2009, “One Small Step for the Council, One Giant Leap for Mankind,” Huffington Post, co-authored with Rhianna Tyson Kreger.
- 2008/2009 edition, “Nuclear Weapons Free: It is Time and It is Necessary,” Centerpoint Now, The World Council of Peoples for the United Nations: pp.30
- September 8, 2009, Spiritual Wisdom of the Week, published in Tikkun.org
- August 27, 2009, “Nuclear Weapons Free: Let’s Support President Obama,” published in The Huffington Post.
- July 16, 2009, Puntarenas, Costa Rica: “Let Us All Be Peace Boats: Reflections on the UN, Article 26 and Costa Rica,” prepared for the Article 9 and Article 12 Peace Constitutions for Global Disarmament conference.
- July 9, 2009, Marrakesh, Morocco: “Peace- the only way to Peace,” address to the Sidi Shiker World Meeting of Tassawuf Affiliate, hosted by the Kingdom of Morocco.
- June 11, 2009, Camden, NJ: “Honoring Footsteps,” remarks upon accepting the Rutgers University School of Law Arthur E. Armitage Distinguished Alumni Award.
- May 7, 2009, New York, NY: “Voices from Experience,” chairmanship of special panel event at the United Nations featuring UN Messenger of Peace Michael Douglas, High Representative Sergio Duarte, former Under-Secretary-General Jayantha Dhanapala and former Under-Secretary-General Nobuyasu Abe.
- Spring, 2009, “The Call to a New Moral Imperative,” published in Reflections, Yale Divinity School.
- April 3, 2009, New York, NY: “Achieving the Entry-Into-Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty: What UN Member States Can Do Now,” Presentation at the special briefing and startegy session, Contributions of the United Nations System in Advancing the Entry-Into-Force of the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty, co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations and the Global Security Insitute.
- April 16-17, 2009, Rome, Italy: “Preserving and Strengthening the Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament
Regime” delivered at the Overcoming Nuclear Dangers Conference, organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nuclear Threat Initiative, and World Political Forum - March 26, 2009, Annapolis, Maryland: “The Imperative of Preserving and Strenghtening the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,” Presentation at the Spring Conference organized and convened by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), held at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
- March 17, 2009, New York, NY: “The Millennium Development Goals: Real Family Values,” address delivered at the Millennium Development Goals Award Ceremony, General Assembly, United Nations.
- January/February 2009, “Memo to Obama: Nuclear Weapons,” published in Tikkun Magazine.
- January 30, 2009, Berlin, Germany: “The Justice They Deserve,” transcript of remarks made at the sixth Article VI Forum meeting.
- December 11-13, 2008, Paris, France: Speaker at 9th Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates.
- November 21, 2008, Presentation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union UN ECOSOC Chamber.
- October 24, 2008, New York, NY: “Galvanizing the focus: A Nuclear Weapons Convention, ” address delivered at the GSI Strategy Session on Achieving a Nuclear Weapons Convention, as part of the East West Institute conference “Seizing the Moment: A One-Day Consultation on Breakthrough Measures on Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disarmament.”
- October 18-20, 2008, Hyderabad, India:”Inclusive Concept of Global Security; Arms Race in Space; Nuclear Disarmament”, address delivered at the World Academy of Arts and Science Global Assembly.
- October 3, 2008, New York, NY: “Nuclear Weapons and Law,” address to New York University’s Center for Global Affairs.
- September 24, 2008, “Weapons of Mass Destruction: Current Non-proliferation Challenges,” written Testimony submitted to the UK House of Commons.
- 18 September, 2008, The Call to a New Moral Imperative, Sarah Smith Memorial Conference at Yale Divinity School
- July 10-12, 2008, Pugwash, Nova Scotia: “Pugwash, Parliamentarians and Political Will: Advancing the Agenda for Abolition,”speaker at the conference organized by Pugwash Peace Exchange.
- Summer 2008, “Considering Iran and its Nuclear Intentions,” published in Disarmament Times.
- June 9-10, 2008, New Delhi, India: “Beyond Deterrence,”Presentation at International Conference, “Towards a World Free of Nuclear Weapons,” hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Indian Council for World Affairs.
- May 10, 2008, Philadelphia, PA: “Connecting the Dots on Nuclear Weapons, Poverty, and Environment,” address delivered at the “Thinking Outside the Bomb” Project for Nuclear Awareness Conference.
- April 29, 2008, Northridge, CA: “Weapons of Mass Destruction: Religious, Ethical and Legal Dimensions of An Un-Ignorable Imperative,” address delivered at the California State University Northridge.
- March 9, 2008, Tehran, Iran: “Go Up to Go Over,” address delivered at the Institute for Political and International Studies, organized by the Foreign Ministry of Iran.
- March 30, 2008, Dublin, Ireland : “Moving Forward,” delivered at Fifth Article VI Forum of the Middle Powers Initiative.
- December 14, 2007, Rome, Italy: “Freedom from the Scourge of War,” address delivered to the 8th Summit of Nobel Laureates.
- December 19, 2007, “America Was Not Entirely Asleep at the Nuclear Switch,” published in Embassy Magazine.
- December 13, 2007, Rome, Italy: “The Axis of Responsibility,” address delivered to the 8th Summit of Nobel Laureates.
- November 20, 2007, New York, NY: “The Axis of Responsibility. Addressing the Critical Global Issues of the 21st Century,” an address to Inter-Parliamentary Union at the Chamber of the Economic and Social Council.
- November 12, 2007, “Addressing the Nuclear Threat,” published by Daisy Alliance.
- November 7, 2007, “Addressing the nuclear threat,” published in The Courier-Journal
- November 1-4, 2007, Monterrey, Mexico: “Government, Participation, Human Rights and Justice,” address delivered at the Universal Forum of Cultures.
- September, 2007, “Nuclear Weapons and Reference for Life,” excerpted book chapter from Reverence for Life Revisited: Albert Schweitzer’s Relevance Today, (Ives, David and David Valone, eds), published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing. See here for more info.
- September 26, 2007, “The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and its 2005 Review Conference: A Legal and Political Analysis,” published in the New York University School of Law Journal of International Law and Politics.
- July 18, 2007, New York, NY:”A High-Level Panel For Peace in the Highest Places,” Presentation to the Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters.
- July 5-7, 2007, Washington, DC: “Revitalizing Nuclear Disarmament” & “Negative Security Assurances,” addresses delivered at the Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs.
- June 28-29, 2007, Moscow, Russia: “The Middle Powers Initiative and other Alternative Multilateral Mechanisms,” speaker at the Lesson Learned from Non-Proliferation Failures and Successes, International NATO Advanced Research Workshop.
- May 4, 2007, Washington, DC: Moderator of Special Showcase Presentation with Ambassador Thomas Graham and Dr. Hans Blix at the American Bar Association Section of the International Law Spring Meeting.
- May 3, 2007, Washington, DC: “Nuclear Weapons: Resolving Iran, Reviewing Iraq,” briefing before the United States House of Representatives Taskforce on Non-proliferation.
- April 15, 2007, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY: “Generosity Sunday,” address delivered at Bard College.
- March 15, 2007, Washington, DC: “Cooperative Security,” Jonathan Granoff prepared Remarks to the Organization of American States.
- March 4, 2007, Swarthmore, PA: “The Moral Imperatives of Security,” guest lecture at Sunday Services at the Swarthmore United Methodist Church.
- February 21, 2007, New York, NY: Panelist on American Bar Association Panel on Nuclear Weapons.
- February 10, 2007, “Time for US Values for the Heavens,” published in CommonDreams.org.
- January 28, 2007, Washingtion, DC: “Another World is Possible,” Keynote address delivered at the Citizens for Global Solutions Brunch.
- 2007, Munich, Germany: “Das Fundament die Wurde” in Quarch, C.W. (Ed.), Die Macht der Wurde pp. 235-239. Random House GmbH.
- 2007: “Reverence for Life” in Ives, D. (Ed.), Reverence for Life: Albert Schweitzer’s Relevance Today. Cambridge Scholars Press.
- December, 2006: “Reflection on Realism and Security For Today: An Interview with Jonathan Granoff,” puiblished in Publik-Forum.
- December 7-9, 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico: Speaker at the Human Forum 2006 hosted by the Alliance for a New Humanity.
- December 4, 2006, Haverford, PA: “The New United States Space Policy,” address delivered at Haverford College.
- November 17, 2006, Rome, Italy: “A Call of Conscience: Nuclear Disarmament,” address delivered to the 7th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates.
- November 13-15, 2006, New York, NY: “Coping Global with Fears and Threats,” address delivered at the Global Creative Leadership Summit.
- October 21, 2006, Edmonton, Canada: “Nuclear Weapons: The Ultimate Evil,” address delivered at the Building World Peace Summit.
- September 26, 2006, Washington, DC: “Weapons of Mass Destruction: Current Nuclear Proliferation Challenges,” Oral Testimony to House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations. Complete testimony available here.
- Summer 2006: “National Security,” published in International Lawyer.
- June 16, 2006, Gwangju, Korea: “Ending War, Pursuing Peace,” address delivered at Gwangju Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, hosted by the Former President of Korea, Kim Dae Jung
- June 13, 2006, Ottawa, Canada: Formal testimony before the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee.
- June 2, 2006, Philadelphia, PA: “History of the NPT,” address delivered at the World Affairs Council.
- April 30, 2006, “Congress Should Reject US-India Nuclear Deal,” published in Santa Barbara Press.
- April 26, 2006, “Say No to the US-India Nuclear Deal,” by Jonathan Granoff and David Krieger published in CommonDreams.org.
- 2006: Hamburg, Germany: “Peace and Security” in Towards a World in Balance pp. 125-133. Ebner & Spiegel GmbH.
- March 25, 2006, West Chester, NY : “Alternative Approach and Perspective on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation,” address delivered at Promoting Disarmament and Non-Proliferation: Exploring New Perspectives and Evolving Consensus hosted by the Mission of Indonesia.
- March 15, 2006, New York, NY: “The Present Crisis in Nuclear Weapons Policy.” address delivered at the Spring 2006 Global Governance Series hosted by the Ralph Bunch Institute for International Studies, The City University of New York.
- March 2-3, 2006, The Hague, The Netherlands: Participant at the Article VI Forum hosted by the Middle Powers Initiative, (p.17).
- February 9, 2006, New York, NY: “Modest Proposals For a Critical Moment: Address and Exhibits,” address to United Nations Secretary General Advisory Board for Disarmament Matters.
- December 2005, “United States – Masters of Space? The US Space Command’s “Vision for 2020,” by Jonathan Granoff and Craig Eisendrath.
- November 15, 2005, New York, NY: “2006 Biological Weapons Convention and UNSCR 1540,” address delivered at the Symposium on Bio-Security and UN Security Council Resolution 1540.
- November 7-9, 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: “Human Rights, Human Responsibilities, and International Law,” and “Multilateral Imperatives for Environmental and State Security,”delivered at the Earth Charter Summit.
- November 2, 2005, Philadelphia, PA: “International Law, Nuclear Weapons, and the United Nations,” Keynote address delivered at the University of Pennsylvania Model United Nations Conference.
- October 28-29, 2005, Hamden, CT: “Reverence for Life Revised: Albert Schweitzer’s Relevance Today,” delivered at the Albert Schweitzer Institute’s “Reverence for Life” Conference, Quinnipiac University.
- June- August, 2005, “The Framework of Human Unity,” published in Enlightenment Magazine.
- March 2, 2005, The Hague, The Netherlands: “The NPT and Review Conference,” delivered at the Clingandael Center for Strategic Studies.
- November 10-12, 2004, Rome, Italy: “Reflections on Humanity (with programmatic proposals),” address delivered to the 5th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates.
- October 28, 2004, “The Iraq Inspections Worked, Lies Have Consequences,” published in CommonDreams.org.
- October 2004, “Coherence Matters: Nuclear Policy Highlight,” by Jonathan Granoff and John Burroughs, GSI and LCNP Policy brief on US Nuclear Policy.
- August 7, 2004, Atlanta, GA: speaker at the American Bar Association Section of International Law and Practice Annual Meeting.
- August 2004, “The Value of Human Being,” published in What is Enlightenment?
- Summer 2004, “Interfaith Imperatives Post 9/11: Sovereign Value of the Golden Rule,” published in Perspectives on 9/11, edited by Yassin El -Ayouty.
- Summer 2004, “Arms Control and National Security,” by Jonathan Granoff, John Harrington and Bonnie D. Jenkins published in The International Lawyer.
- May 17, 2004, Cleveland, OH: “What’s at Stake in the 2004 National Election: Renewing America’s Integrity,” address delivered at the First National Conference of the Clergy Leadership Network for National Leadership Change.
- April 24, 2004, “Permission Slips,” by Jonathan Granoff, Michael Doyle and Robert Grey Jr. published in CommonDreams.org
- Spring 2004, “Moment of Truth or Two Rules of Coexistence,” published in The Green Cross Optimist.
- March 17, 2004, Rome, Italy: “Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Missile Nonproliferation Instruments,” Presentation at the NATO Defense College, conference co-sponsored by the NATO Defense College and Senior-Politico Military Group on Proliferation.
- January 2004, “The Forgotten Why,” a chapter from Imagining Tomorrow, a limited edition book published by the Mission of India to the UN and given to Heads of State and Government, Foreign Ministers, and Permanent Representatives of the world’s nations at the Millennium Summit
- 2004, Philadelphia: “Nuclear Weapons, Ethics, Morals, and Laws” in Boss, J.A. (Ed.), Analyzing Moral Issues pp. 676-680, McGraw-Hill.
- 2004, Philadelphia: “Peace and Security” in Boss, J.A. (Ed.), Analyzing Moral Issues pp. 696-699, McGraw-Hill.
- 2004, “Sovereignty and Duty,” in Alan Cranston, Author & Kim Cranston, Editor, The Sovereignty Revolution, Stanford University Press.
- November-December 2003, “Power over the Ultimate Evil,” published in Tikkun Magazine.
- November 15, 2003, Bryn Mawr, PA: “Awakening Global Responsibility: Our Moment of Choice,” address delivered at the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality.
- November 7, 2003, Vancouver, Canada: “From Nuclear Danger to Cooperative Security: Parliamentarians and the Legal Imperative for Nuclear Disarmament,” address delivered at the Parliamentarians Network for Nuclear Disarmament Conference.
- October 9, 2003, Oxford, England: “A Lateral Approach to Multilateralism: New Thinking on Preventing the Further Spread of Nuclear Weapons,” address delivered to the Oxford Research Group.
- May 30-31, 2003, Athens, Greece: “NATO and the NPT,” address delivered at the Athens Conference on Nuclear Proliferation, (p 9-15) organized by the Center for Policy Analysis and Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Athens, Greece.
- April 23, 2003, Geneva, Switzerland: “Preventing Disease Weaponization: Strengthening Law Enforcement and National Legislation,” Delivered to United Nations Biological Weapons Convention.
- April 3, 2003, San Francisco, CA: Speaker at the 2003 Alan Cranston Peace Award Ceremony hosted by the Global Security Institute.
- February 5, 2003, New York, NY: Formal Briefing to Secretary General Kofi Annan’s Advisory Group on Disarmament at the United Nations.
- February 26, 2003, New York, NY: “Is War Really the Only Option?” Press Conference held by the United Nations Correspondence Association and the Global Security Institute at the United Nations.
- January 19, 2003,“Securing Iraq Doesn’t Need Military Force,” published in North Jersey Herald News.
- January 10, 2003, “The Iraq Dilemma. Robust Inspections Could Prevent War, Save Innocent Lives,” published in San Diego Tribune.
- December 4-7, 2002, Mexico City, Mexico: Keynote address at the Second Annual Meeting of the Commission on Globalization.
- October 29-30, 2002, Toronto, Canada: “Priorities for Preserving the Non-Proliferation Treaty in the New Strategic Context,” Formal Testimony before Special Joint Parliamentary Session.
- October 10, 2002, Washington, DC: address at Alternatives to War: Prominent Citizens Oppose War with Iraq held at the National Press Club by the World Policy Institute.
- October 5, 2002, “Best Way to Build World Stability,” by Jonathan Granoff and Douglas Roche published in Financial Times.
- Summer 2002, “Arms Control and National Security,” with John R. Borroughs, John H. Harrington, Bonnie D. Jenkins, Barry Kellman and Mark S. Zaid in International Lawyer.
- July 18, 2002, Washington, DC: “Stop Smoking: Suggestions for Progress in South Asia,” address delivered at the Symposium on South Asia held at the Cannon House Office Building by the Policy Institute for Religion and State.
- May 9, 2002, New York, NY: “Nuclear Weapons, Ethics, Morals and Law,” address delivered at the American Bar Association Section of International Law and Practice 2002 Spring Meeting.
- April 16, 2002, New York, NY: Speaker at the 2002 Alan Cranston Peace Award Ceremony hosted by the Global Security Institute at the United Nations.
- April 9, 2002, New York, NY: “The Power Over the Ultimate Evil: In the Footsteps of Gandhi and King,” address delivered at the Closing Ceremony, 2002 Gandhi and King Season of Nonviolence.
- March 12, 2002, “Pentagon Report Reveals Dangerous Shift in US Nuclear Doctrine,” by Jonathan Granoff.
- February 21-23, 2002, Lyon, France: “Globalization and Sustainable Development: Is Ethics the Missing Link?” delivered to Earth Dialogues at the Congressional Palace.
- October 17, 2001, New York, NY: “Lessons for Today from the Cuban Missile Crisis,” delivered at Luncheon with Former Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara.
- September 2001, Haverford, PA: Address at the Convening of the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality.
- August 11, 2001, “Missile Defense a Threat,” by Jonathan Dean and Jonathan Granoff published in Chicago Sun Times.
- January 2001, Philadelphia, PA: Address at the Conference on Values, Nuclear Weapons and National Priorities hosted by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese.
- Spring 2000, “The 2000 Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty Review Conference with Some Suggestions for Success,” published in the International Law News.
- April 6-8, 2000, New York, NY: “Building a Culture of Peace: Inner and Outer Peace,” delivered at the Annual spring Seminar of the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office (UU-UNO) at the Church Center for the United Nations.
- January 2000, “Legal, Moral and Ethical Dimensions of Nuclear Weapons,” published in Brigham Young Law Review.
- 2000: “The Forgotten Why,” Imagine Tomorrow: Rethinking the Global Challenge, published by United Nations for the UN Millennium Assembly.
- December 1-8, 1999, Cape Town, South Africa: “A Moral Call to Eliminate the Threat of Nuclear Weapons,” address delivered at the Parliament of the World’s Religions.
- September 5, 1997, Philadelphia, PA: “Global Ethics: Deep Foundation for International Legal Norms,” report on United Nations Summits at XLI Congress Union Internationale Des Avocats International Association of Lawyers.