The Struggle for Syria: Panel event at Columbia University

With over a 100, 000 deaths and 2.5 million deaths, the Syrian civil war has shaken the Middle East and horrified the rest of the world. It has raised a […]
Global Green Director Paul Walker receives prestigious award for work to eliminate chemical weapons

Paul Walker, International Program Director for Global Green, the US branch of Green Cross, was today honored as one of the three recipients for 2013 of the Right Livelihood Award, […]
Its Time to Make the Middle East WMD-Free

published in the World Policy Blog by Jonathan Granoff September 12, 2013 Eliminating the chemical weapons stockpiles in Syria through international cooperation and bringing Syria into full compliance […]
Syria: Law and Legitimacy

by Jonathan Granoff published in the Huffington Post We can hear the drum beats of war again. Syria certainly appears to have committed heinous acts. The rebels may also have […]