204 Japanese Legislators Support Obama’s Vision of Nuclear Disarmament

Obama Opponents’ Arguments on Nuclear Policy Rebutted PNND Member Hideo Hiraoka February 22, 2010 PNND member Hideo Hiraoka and 203 other Japanese legislators sent a letter to […]
Japan and NATO Are Ready for the US to Reduce Nuclear Weapons

Huffington Post by Alyn Ware February 18, 2010 It has been nearly a year since President Obama’s now famous Prague speech, announcing America’s commitment to a nuclear weapons-free future. […]
Sleepwalking in a Nuclear Minefield

April 2008 Sojourners The United States still worships at the altar of nuclear weapons – yet cries ‘heresy’ when others want to join the sect. by Douglas Roche Reprinted with […]
Power Over the Ultimate Evil

Nov/Dec 2003 By Jonathan Granoff Tikkun There are approximately 30,000 nuclear weapons in the world, 90 percent of which are possessed by Russia and the United States. The United States […]
A Pretty Poor Posture for a Superpower

March 13, 2002 ROBERT S. McNAMARA and THOMAS GRAHAM Jr.L.A. Times During the Cold War, peace was supported by the doctrine of “mutual assured destruction,” which simply meant that each […]
Rethink the Unthinkable

March 12, 2002 By Senator Douglas Roche The Globe and Mail The idea of waging nuclear war is taking flight in Washington. Canada must protest, says Douglas Roche, former chair […]
US Unveils More Restrictive Nuclear Policy

Jonathan Granoff on Associated Press television discussing the security-enhancing cooperation facilitated by the new START treaty and the Nuclear Posture Review.