Hiroshima Day 2011

66 years ago nuclear bombs fell on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, causing untold death and destruction. The anniversary is a powerful reminder to us all of the […]

Peace in the World Panel

Newark, NJ at the Newark Peace Education Summit The panel also included Alyn Ware, Shirin Ebadi, Jody Williams, and Marianne Williamson Text unavailable.

The Power of Peace

May 2011 GSI President Jonathan Granoff talks about the Newark Peace Education Summit and the dynamic nature of PEACE.

Images for Reality

presented at the World Forum of Spiritual CultureAstana, Kazakhstan October 18-20, 2010Jonathan Granoff, President Global Security Institute We should all be grateful to the people of Kazakhstan and President Nazarbayev […]

Deepak Chopra and Jonathan Granoff

January 2010 Deepak Chopra, philosopher and physician, interviews Jonathan Granoff for his Sirius radio show and personal video blog collection. Part 1:   Part 2:

Millennium Development Goals Awards Ceremony

  March 17, 2009 Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa and Dr. Kevin Cahill, a world reknown physician and humanitarian, received lifetime achievement awards at the Millennium Development Golas (MDGs) […]