[Jonathan Granoff] has been acting tirelessly as head of the Global Security Institute for the cause of a world without nuclear weapons. I have been working with him since the time I served as Under-Secretary-General of the U.N. for Disarmament Affairs. He has been a great source of inspiration and encouragement even when the wind was blowing against disarmament…
Nobuyasu Abe
Former United Nations Under-Secretary General for Disarmament Affairs
Director, Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-proliferation, JIIA Tokyo, Japan
Jonathan Granoff is an attorney. He is a peace activist. He is a sophisticated lobbyist for a nuclear-weapon–free world. He is President of the Global Security Institute. Many people know Jonathan as a hard-headed, realist: his encyclopedic knowledge of the nuclear issue and his numerous political and organizational accomplishments will certainly be cited in justifying the award he is receiving tonight. But fewer people know the philosophical depth Jonathan brings to his work.
– Tadatoshi Akiba
Former Mayor
The City of Hiroshima
I represent the 23,000 member American Bar Association Section of International Law in the ABA House of Delegates and am a former Chair of the Section… Jonathan has been an inspiration and an extremely valued member of our leadership, having not only made us far more knowledgeable about and sensitive to nuclear non-proliferation issues, but on a variety of other fronts… He is a very special talent, and one that reflects marvelously on his law school.
– Michael Byowitz
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
New York, NY
Congratulations on receiving the Arthur E. Armitage Distinguished Alumni Award from Rutgers-Camden School of Law. Your strong commitment to nuclear disarmament is a fine reflection on your alma mater. It is certainly fitting that your lifelong dedication to peace is being recognized in this way.
Rosalynn joins me in sending you our warm best wishes for continued success.
Jimmy Carter
Jonathan Granoff is a passionate change agent, a visionary and a global leader. He is the embodiment of love in action.
– Dr. Deepak Chopra
Author & Director of the Chopra Center for Well-Being
Brother Jonathan,
You never cease to amaze me. How the little boy from King Street has turned into a world figure of great compassion and skill is a story worth telling…
Your old friend,
Peter Coyote
Jonathan Granoff is truly one of the good guys! As President and founder of the Global Security Institute, his passion, intelligence, energy and devotion to making the planet a safer place by riding the world of weapons of mass destruction can only be seen as exemplary inspiration.
– Michael Douglas
Actor & UN Messenger of Peace
It is very difficult for me to list exhaustively all of the many ways that Jonathan and his colleagues at the Global Security Institute have helped in promoting some of the most fundamental and long-standing principles of the United Nations. These include efforts to strengthen the rule of law in international affairs, to promote multilateral cooperation in solving global security problems, to educate the public, and to work tirelessly to raise the priority of disarmament efforts in our troubled and over-armed world… As efforts continue worldwide to advance this great and historic agenda of disarmament, I take great comfort in knowing that I can count on Jonathan’s hard work and sage counsel as we confront the many challenges that lie ahead.
– Sergio Duarte
United Nations High Representative for Disarmament Affairs United Nations
I have known Jonathan Granoff and followed his work since 1998 and am very impressed by his dedication to the cause. He has made a great impact internationally and deserves recognition and award for his faithful pursuit of world peace. In fact, I hope, not very long from now he will qualify for the Nobel Peace Prize. I wish him good health and God speed because peace is urgent and nuclear proliferation is growing. We need a thousand more Jonathans to make the world absolutely safe for future generations. Good luck my friend.
– Arun Gandhi
President: Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute, Rochester, NY.
Jonathan is a true born legal crusader. He is a brilliantly persuasive talker turning the most skeptical world leader or public audience toward a more moral, human and intelligent route in resolving our most urgent and existential concerns. He is a very great man.
– Bob Geldof
Musician & Anti-Poverty Activist
Africa Progress Panel
Jonathan works tirelessly to strengthen global security and to make our world a safer place for all. As President of the Global Security he has furthered the work of the late Sen. Alan Cranston and he deserves many accolades – may he NEVER give up his many endeavours for peace. I am proud to call him my friend.
– Jane Goodall PhD, DBE
Founder – the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace
Jonathan Granoff is a visionary leader in the fight to reduce the worlds’ nuclear arsenals and halt the proliferation of nuclear weapons and technologies. His insight, creativity, and strategic vision is inspiring to all who work on these issues… I look forward to continuing our close association for many years into the future.
– U.S. Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-MA)
Jonathan Granoff makes many friends while passionately working for the cause that he rightly thinks is vital to mankind’s future: a world at peace, with rule of law and without nuclear weapons. There are many people who understand the issues but few who have Jonathan’s breadth of vision, command of detail and tireless dedication. I am particularly grateful to him for offering his knowledge and advice to Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev. Jonathan has been instrumental in promoting and refining his ideas. Our common admiration for this great political innovator has cemented our friendship. Thank you, my friend, for all you’ve done and for what I am sure will be your continued contribution to our common cause for years to come.
– Pavel Palazchenko
Senior Counsellor and Interpreter to President Mikhail Gorbachev since 1985
Ever since Jonathan ran after my car eight years ago, arguing and persuading me to change the Swedish Government’s mind about one of his proposals, he has influenced me more than any other force of nature. These days I have learned that it’s much easier, and much more fun, to be on the same side as Jonathan. In the Global Security Orchestra, where every beat and every harmony destroy nuclear weapons, he’s the lead singer and star guitarist.
– Amb. Henrik Salander
Chairman, The Middle Powers Initiative
I am Chair of the American Bar Association Section of International Law (ABA International). ABA International has been leading the world’s international lawyers since 1878, and it currently has over 23,000 individual members. I have had the privilege of working with Jonathan Granoff on ABA International matters for many years, both during his tenure as a valued officer and Chair of our National Security Committee and as a member of our Council. Speaking on behalf of the leadership of ABA International, I would like to commend the law school for recognizing Jonathan’s great achievements in the field of international law…The law school should be justifiably proud of Jonathan; he is a rare and wonderful individual.
– Aaron Schildhaus
ABA, Section of International Law
I have for years already been following the exceptional and inspired work Jonathan is doing on the essential problem of nuclear disarmament. It is a strange fact that this work which is so essential for our very survival is so little understood and supported. So much more I admire Jonathan’s courage, perseverance and self-sacrifice with which he pursues the work…May he long continue and be successful!
– H.J. Witteveen
Former Managing Director, the International Monetary Fund
Jonathan Granoff has been a tireless champion of the United Nations and the work to strengthen global security. His commitment to Disarmament and Non-proliferation has been tenacious and bold and defines his life. Jonathan has been a visionary teacher and guide for us all and has brought together supporters from many nations and professions who seek a more peaceful world through the rule of law. We are ever in his debt.
– Gillian Sorensen
National Advocate, United Nations Foundation
Former Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations
I have long known Jonathan Granoff to be a peacemaker of Biblical dimensions, tireless in his effort to use his brilliant legal and other talents in the pursuit of world peace through the rule of international law.
– Ted Sorensen
Special Counsel to President John F. Kennedy, and
Of Counsel, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
Jonathan Granoff is one of that minuscule segment of the legal community who are dedicated to using the rich perspectives that come of legal knowledge and experience for the upliftment of humanity and the protection of the planet. At a time when all the values we cherish and civilization itself are in peril, workers who are of the vision and caliber of Jonathan Granoff are invaluable for safeguarding the human future.
– Hon. C. J. Weeramantry
Judge, The International Court of Justice 1991-2000
Vice President, The International Court of Justice 1997-2000