Syria: Law and Legitimacy

by Jonathan Granoff published in the Huffington Post We can hear the drum beats of war again. Syria certainly appears to have committed heinous acts. The rebels may also have […]

Iran: All Options On the Table?

  By Jonathan Granoff Huffington Post March 21, 2012   We hear a great deal of bravado on the best way to respond to the international security threat posed by […]

Thinking the Unthinkable on Nuclear Policy

  The Huffington Post by Alyn Ware November 9, 2009   In late September, President Obama chaired the UN Security Council as it adopted an unprecedented resolution on non-proliferation and […]

The best US weapon against Iran is diplomacy

BY JOHN BURROUGHS* September 26, 2007 Read the full text original article, published in Newsday On Friday at the United Nations, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will discuss strategy regarding […]

Permission Slips

 April 21, 2004 By Jonathan Granoff, Michael Doyle and Robert Grey Jr. Common Dreams People make mistakes. We should not be too surprised or dismayed at the failure of intelligence […]

A Leading Role for the Security Council

 October 21, 2001 By Mikhail S. Gorbachev The New York Times MOSCOW – In the past month, the world has witnessed something previously unknown: a common stand taken by America, […]