Wisdom or Fatal Folly

by Jonathan Granoff and Rhianna Tyson Kreger Huffington Post March 15, 2011   As the health impact of smoking became better known to Americans, the practice eventually diminished. The cigarette […]

Japan’s Mistake at the NSG

Far Eastern Economic Review Kono Taro, PNND Council January 2009 Every year, Japan submits a resolution on nuclear disarmament to the United Nations General Assembly. This year was no different; […]

Back to the drawing board

The Hindu Op-ed by Aaron Tovish August 29, 2008 Last September, I was accorded the privilege of contributing an article to The Hindu on the subject of the U.S.-India nuclear […]

Think Again: US-India Nuclear Deal

The Deal Will Strengthen Only Indias Peaceful Nuclear Program False. The proposed agreement provides India with nuclear materials and technology from the United States. In exchange, India would divide its […]

Say No to the US-India Deal

 April 27, 2006 by Jonathan Granoff and David Krieger Common Dreams To view the original version of this article, please click here. George W. Bush thought that there were weapons […]

A Dangerous Deal with India

 March 29, 2006 by Jimmy Carter The Washington Post During the past five years the United States has abandoned many of the nuclear arms control agreements negotiated since the administration […]