A list of the Featured Items that have appeared in the What’s New feed on our home page:
September 28, 2015: Invitation: International Day of Non-Violence
September 12, 2015: Invitation: The Man Who Saved the World
September 2, 2015: eNews: GSI September 2015 eNewsletter: More Than How: Remembering the Why
August 7, 2015: Op-ed: The Shame and Horror of Nuclear Weapons
August 3, 2015: Op-ed: The Iran Deal: Steps Toward the Common Good
June 25, 2015: Report/Speech: UN Hosts First International Day of Yoga (with video)
June 24, 2015: CAMPAIGN: The Moral Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
May 19, 2015: Video Blog: GSI President Speaks at Third Conference of States Parties and Signatories to Treaties that Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones
May 5, 2015: Op-ed: President Obama: A Chance to Lead
April 29, 2015: Op-ed: The Iran Deal is a Terrible Blow… To War Profiteers (Theirs and Ours)
April 28, 2015: Media Advisory: Former US Defense Department Official and Former Holy See Advisor to Address Legal and Moral Aspects of Nuclear Weapons Use
April 27, 2015: Invitation: Nuclear Weapons, International Humanitarian Law and Morality (NPT Review Conference Side-Event)
April 24, 2015: Video Blog: GSI President Speaks at Third Conference of States Parties and Signatories to Treaties that Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and Mongolia
April 24, 2015: Op-ed: Nuclear non-proliferation: We must keep working for a world without nuclear weapons (yes, it’s possible)
April 15, 2015: eNewsletter: Inspiration and Illumination at the United Nations: A preliminary report on April 9, 2015
April 14, 2015: Audio Resources: Bipartisan Security Group’s Ambassador Thomas Graham on BBC’s “Is There a New Nuclear Arms Race?”
April 10, 2015: News Room: Pope Francis’ Latest Mission: Stopping Nuclear Weapons (Time Magazine)
April 3, 2015: eNewsletter: Living, and Illuminating, Peace: GSI Newsletter Winter/Spring 2015
March 21, 2015: Video Blog: Georgia Public Broadcasting Presents “Are We at Risk of Nuclear War?”
March 17, 2015: Media Advisory: Defining a Good Iran Deal & a New Realism with Russia: GSI in the Media
March 17, 2015: News Room: Time has come for “new realism” in US-Russia relations, President of US-based Global Security Institute says (TASS News Agency)
March 16, 2015: News Room: Nuke deal a good one if making Iran part of world community (TREND News)
March 11, 2015: Video Blog: Nobel Peace Prize Forum’s “Toward Inclusive Disarmament: The Voices of Women and Civil Society”
January 13, 2015: Op/ed: Living Peace: A Gift for 2015 From the 14th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates
December 30, 2014: An Open Letter to the President: A Legacy the World Needs
December 18, 2014: Video Blog: Nuclear Weapons and the Moral Compass
December 11, 2014: News Report: UN Urged to Ban Nuke Strikes against Cities
December, 8, 2014: Event Report: Nuclear Weapons and the Moral Compass
December 1, 2014: Media Advisory: Vienna Event: Nuclear Weapons and the Moral Compass
December 1, 2014: Invitation: Vienna Event: Nuclear Weapons and the Moral Compass
November 25, 2014: Office Space to Rent
November 21, 2014: Op/ed: Nuclear Talks: Will It Play in Persepolis?
November 5, 2014: eNewsletter: What Would Gandhi Say? GSI Newsletter Fall, 2014
November 3, 2014: Event Report: Using Building Blocks to Construct a World Free of Nuclear Weapons
October 20, 2014: Invitation: The United Nations and a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: New Approaches and Initiatives
September 26, 2014: Speech: Nuclear Weapons Are Unworthy of Civilization, presented at the United Nations in commemoration of the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
September 23, 2014: Video Blog: Unfold Zero
September 22, 2014: Publication: A Beacon of Hope: A Middle Powers Initiative Briefing Paper
September 19, 2014: Op-ed: World Powers Must Unite Behind UN
August 22, 2014: Video Blog: One World: Granoff Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize; Deepak Chopra Interview
June 9, 2014: eNewsletter: Cooperation in Action: Spring, 2014
May 8, 2014: Presentation: Goals of Global Security
April 30, 2014: Video Blog: Nuclear Weapons and the Moral Compass
April 30, 2014: Event Report: Nuclear Weapons and the Moral Compass
April 17, 2014: Invitation: Nuclear Weapons and the Moral Compass
April 7, 2014: In Memoriam: Jonathan Schell and John Rhinelander
March 18, 2014: Announcement: Global Security Institute Congratulates Four Outstanding Leaders
March 14, 2014: Op-ed: Security Reflections: A Holistic Approach without Nuclear Weapons
March 20, 2014: RE: The Nuclear Security Summit 2014
March 6, 2014: UKRAINE WATCH: Understanding the Crisis in Ukraine
March 5, 2014: Event Report: PNND Annual Assembly 2014
March 3, 2014: Advisory: Parliamentarians call on Nuclear Security Summit process for nuclear abolition
February 24, 2014: Event: PNND Assembly 2014
January 28, 2014: In Memoriam: Ambassador Jonathan Dean
January 27, 2014: Invitation: Transformative Art, Transformative Policies
December 23, 2013: An Appeal for Our Future, from Ambassador Thomas Graham, Jr.
December 11, 2013: Event Report: Thinking Creatively: In and Out of the NPT Box
December 2, 2013: Event Report: Harvard Divinity School Convenes “Religions and Peace: Do Universities Have a Role?”
November 19, 2013: Op/ed: Musings on a New Paradigm
November 2, 2013: Activities Report: Advancing a Comprehensive Ban on Nuclear Weapons Testing
October 31, 2013: Publication: Musings on a New Paradigm
October 28, 2013: Event Report: Nuclear Weapons Threats and Solutions: A Luncheon at the United Nations
September 27, 2013: Speeches: Civil Society Statement to the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty EIF Conference
September 12, 2013: Op/ed: Its Time to Make the Middle East WMD-Free
September 3, 2013: Event Report: Earth Dialogues: Pathways into the Future/Triggers of Change
August 29, 2013: Op/ed: Syria: Law and Legitimacy
June 27, 2013: In Memoriam: Dr. James Martin
June 24, 2013: PNND Annual Report 2012
April 9, 2013: Beyond Nuclear Deterrence to a Nuclear Weapons-Free World: Publication launch in Geneva
March 28, 2013: Event Invitation with Hans-Peter Duerr
March 11, 2013: Op/ed: Practical Proposals for a Real Change in North Korea
February 23, 2013: Report: MPI Holds Framework Forum Conference in Berlin
January 18, 2013: A Personal Appeal from Jonathan Granoff
December 2012: Podcast: A Threat Anywhere Can Become a Threat Everywhere in Today’s Global Village
November 26, 2012: Event Report: A UN Celebration: Love Towards All, Malice Towards None
October 28, 2012: Book Launch: Inter-Parliamentary Union Handbook: Supporting Non-Proliferation and Disarmament
August 3, 2012: Former Hiroshima Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba Named New Chairman of the Middle Powers Initiative
July 16, 2012: Multimedia: The Peace and Security of the Individual and the Planet
July 6, 2012: PNND Coordinator Alyn Ware Receives Peace Award
June 19, 2012: GSI Announces Dr. James Martin as New Advisory Board Member
June 14, 2012: Unending Crisis: A New Book by Ambassador Thomas Graham, Jr.
June 8, 2012: Video Blog: A Dialogue with Michael Douglas at the ABA
June 7, 2012: HuffPost: NATO Looks Backwards, Nobel Peace Laureates Look forward to Youth
April 20, 2012: Event Report: American Bar Association Panel on Nuclear Weapons and International Humanitarian Law
March 2, 2012: GSI’s Open Letter to President Obama
October 24, 2011: Secretary-General Ban Calls for Nuclear Disarmament “Progress on the Ground”
Welcome to the new GSI website!
Jonathan Granoff is the President of the Global Security Institute, a representative to United Nations of the World Summits of Nobel Peace Laureates, a former Adjunct Professor of International Law at Widener University School of Law, and Senior Advisor to the Committee on National Security American Bar Association International Law Section.