Photo Gallery: Advancing a Cooperative Security Regime in Outer Space (page 2)

A Lunchtime Consultation

New York
February 9, 2007
featuring Ambassador Robert Grey, Jr., Director of BSG, Dr. Jürgen Scheffran, University of Illinois, and
Mr. Nobuaki Tanaka, Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs

Click here to read the Event Report

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Ambassador Robert Grey, Director, Bipartisan Security Group



Ambassador Robert Grey and Jonathan Granoff


Craig Eisendrath, Amb. Grey, Jonathan Granoff and Amb. Akram of Pakistan

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Clockwise from foreground: Counselor Khaled Shamaa, Egypt; USG Nobuaki Tanaka, DDA; Dr. Jürgen Scheffran; Dr. Randy Rydell, DDA

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Dr. Jürgen Scheffran and
Counsellor Khaled Shamaa, Egypt


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