The 5th Prague Agenda Conference & the 2015 PNND Assembly
Since President Obama’s 2009 announcement of his long-term nuclear disarmament vision in Prague and the following signing of the 2010 US-Russia START Treaty, Prague has established itself as a venue […]
START-ing a new security
Huffington Post by Rhianna Tyson Kreger December 23, 2010 If you witnessed a lot of hubbub in Dupont Circle pubs last night, it’s a good chance it was […]
Japan and NATO Are Ready for the US to Reduce Nuclear Weapons
Huffington Post by Alyn Ware February 18, 2010 It has been nearly a year since President Obama’s now famous Prague speech, announcing America’s commitment to a nuclear weapons-free future. […]
Thinking the Unthinkable on Nuclear Policy
The Huffington Post by Alyn Ware November 9, 2009 In late September, President Obama chaired the UN Security Council as it adopted an unprecedented resolution on non-proliferation and […]
Nuclear Testing and Proliferation: An Inextricable Connection
Disarmament Diplomacy by Thomas Graham, J.r and David Hafemeister President Obama’s call in Prague to complete the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) was widely praised on the global […]
Nuclear Weapons Free: Let’s Support President Obama
Huffington Post by GSI President Jonathan Granoff August 27, 2009 Nuclear weapons are abhorrent in anyone’s hands. Imagine if the Biological Weapons Convention said that polio and small pox […]
Japan ready for ‘no nukes’
The Japan Times by Shingo Fukuyama and MPI Steering Committee member Hiromichi Umebayashi August 25, 2009 As the Obama administration contemplates major reductions to its nuclear arsenal, Japan’s commitment […]
Mr. Obama and Nuclear Weapons
Washington Post Letter to the Editor Thomas Graham, Jr. April 13, 2009 Anne Applebaum claimed that worldwide elimination of nuclear weapons was President Obama’s idea [“Yes, We Can . . […]