Granoff Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize; Deepak Chopra interview

The Global Security Institute is honored to have its president, Jonathan Granoff, nominated for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his tireless pursuit of peace and security and […]
Maya Angelou, Jonathan Granoff and Alan Steinfeld on Deepak Chopra’s satellite radio show
GSI Radio Announcement This Saturday, January 17, 2009 from 12-1 PM EST, GSI President Jonathan Granoff once again joins Deepak Chopra on his weekly radio program. Poet Laureate Maya […]
GSI eNewsletter: May 30, 2008

Contents: 1. GSI Office Move 2. DPE Activities – India Celebrates 20 years of the Rajiv Gandhi Plan– Overcoming Nuclear Dangers Conference, Harvard University– GSI Board Member Christie Brinkley Receives […]
Richard Belzer to Host GSI President Jonathan Granoff on Air America Radio

On Wednesday, April 16, GSI President Jonathan Granoff joins Guest Host Richard Belzer on the new Air America Radio program, “American Afternoon,” from 3-6 PM. The dialogue between the actor/comedian- […]
GSI eNewsletter: August 10, 2005

Contents: 1. MPI Chairman delivers address for 60th Anniversary of Hiroshima bombing, Hiroshima, Japan 2. MPI Chairman interview on Australian Broadcast Radio 3. Texts of testimonies by Hiroshima Mayor Akiba […]
The Peace and Security of the Individual and the Planet

A special broadcast of Our Sacred Journey with Audrey Kitagawa A VoiceAmerica radio show The living systems of the planet — rainforests, oceans, and climate are threatened. There are over […]
US Unveils More Restrictive Nuclear Policy

Jonathan Granoff on Associated Press television discussing the security-enhancing cooperation facilitated by the new START treaty and the Nuclear Posture Review.
The Greatest Threat

Jonathan Granoff talks about the current state of the world’s nuclear arsenals. If the five declared nuclear weapons states cannot stop producing new nuclear weapons, he says, then what hope […]
GSI’s Approach to Nuclear Proliferation

GSI Senior Officer Rhianna Tyson Kreger explains the synergy of GSI’s unique programs on Global Connections TV.
BSG Chairman Ambassador Thomas Graham on Fox Business with Neil Cavuto

March 16, 2012 Ambassador Graham talks with Niel Cavuto about the impact of a potential Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program on the Middle East and gas prices. First clip: […]