MPI releases summary report from the Dublin Article VI Forum

The Middle Powers Initiative released a summary report of the recent meeting of the Article VI Forum, held at the Dublin Castle in Dublin, Ireland, March 28-29, 2008. The Dublin consultation was the fifth meeting of the Article VI Forum, a unique project intended to stimulate and shape effective responses to the crisis of the non-proliferation / disarmament regime manifested by the breakdown of the 2005 NPT Review Conference.

» Read the report

» View a photo gallery from the conference

» Read “Back from the Margins: The centrality of nuclear disarmament,” the briefing paper prepaed for the Dublin conference

A full report and transcripts of speeches will be published in June, 2008.


(L-R): Foreign Minister Ahern, MPI Chairman Roche, Baroness Williams, High Representative Duarte and NPT Chairman Yelchenko


On May 6, MPI will hold a seminar entitled “Pathfinder to a Nuclear Weapons-Free World,” at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The seminar, directed at governmental and non-governmental delegates participating in the Second PrepCom of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, aims to share the results of the Dublin conference and how the Article VI Forum fits in with the drive for a successful 2010 Review Conference.

It will be held in the NGO Room of the Palais des Nations, from 1:15-2:45.

For more information, contact MPI Program Director Jim Wurst.

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